New Years, a holiday celebration in the Winter time, is genetically a time to rest from the activity and harvesting of the Summer and Fall. It’s a time for regeneration so that we have the mental and physical capacity to be planning for warmer days, high activity, and Spring flowers. 

new year resolution healthy

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I don’t support the normal, craze-inducing January 1st resolutions because I think most people set them out of obligation and wrong intentions versus setting the healing foundation required to launch rejuvenated in Spring time. Now is the time to add activities that amplify your recovery this Winter. Avoid SAD, fatigue, and burn out by resting longer.

The natural time for you to increase activity is Spring! Use January and February to get more massages, acupuncture, craft, art, stretch, hydrate, walk outside in the shorter days, plan gardens, plan 2024, organize stuff, purge what you don’t need in the new year, and all the other indoor things you want to catch up on while the nights are long.

As soon as the days get longer, activity increases! Don’t rush it though! Now is the time to nurture your foundation.

If you want to be in community with other women who believe these things too, register for a membership to step outside your comfort zone, to do what is TRULY needed for the busy business woman or mom!

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